Web Service for Easter 2024, March 31, with Rev. Wendy Noble

This is a shortened version of our live 9:30 am  Sunday service.  We also offer Sunday services on Zoom,  for access please call our office at 519-432-8075 and leave a message, Laura will endeavor to reply as soon as possible.


Acknowledging the Territory

Worship Leader: Since time immemorial, Indigenous peoples have occupied and cared for this land, the country we know as Canada, from coast to coast to coast. Indigenous peoples have lived and journeyed on this land, weaving their identity and their spirituality intimately with the land. As Settlers, we acknowledge this area as the traditional home the Anishinaabe (the Ojibwe or Chippewa Nation), the Haudenosaunee (the Iroquois, and the Oneida Nation), the Lenape (the Delaware People), the Attawandaron (the Neutral Nation or Algonquin People) and the Wendat (Huron People) who loved and cared for this land. 

All: As a community of faith, we seek to rebuild right relations with the First Nations, Metis, and Inuit peoples, to learn from them, and to live on this land, their land, with respect and gratitude for its creation and Creator. This is our commitment. We pray for the Holy Spirit to breathe healing, justice, hope, and compassion into all our relations.

We hear God’s Word;John 20, 1-18, as read by Phyllis Brady

 Rev. Wendy Noble’s Easter Reflection: ‘An Easter Surprise’

Prayers of the People


Do you wish to share a prayer ?  Please call the church phone line at 519 432 8075 to leave your prayers. If there is no one in the office at that time- please leave your prayers on our voice mail.  


We are not alone,
we live in God’s world.
We believe in God:
who has created and is creating,
who has come in Jesus,
the Word made flesh.

We still have a building and staff and are still running two community meal programs.  We are thankful for your donation- see main page – click on ‘Help Support Rowntree’
