The United Church is 100 years Young

The 100th anniversary of The United Church of Canada will be launched with special services, locally and nationally, on June 9, 2024, and culminate with a national service on June 8, 2025. The occasion will also be recognized at the 45th General Council, to be held in July in Calgary, Alberta.

This is a year of celebration but also of lament. While honouring the good work we have done, we also name honestly our history as a denomination, acknowledge our colonial past and our role in residential schools, as well as other harms done by stances we have or have not taken collectively. Continue reading “The United Church is 100 years Young”

The War in Gaza, updated June 2024

Once again the middle-east is in a state of war, with Israel invading Gaza, seeking to remove the Hamas leadership who were behind the Oct 7 attacks on Israeli citizens that resulted in hundreds of deaths.

The United Church of Canada’s philosophy is to work with other NGO’s, and Kairos Canada is one we support. Kairos has issued a statement on the war that we agree with, entitled ‘ An Ecumenical Statement on the escalation of violence between Hamas and Israel’ …. Continue reading “The War in Gaza, updated June 2024”
