I am delighted to begin being in ministry with the people of Rowntree United Church and Dundas St. Centre United Church. I look forward to getting to know folks and working together.
My theological understanding and expression of ministry is one of accompaniment. Jesus spent most of his ministry walking with people, sharing their lives, teaching and preaching, nudging, encouraging, comforting and challenging them. I have a vision of ministry that calls us all, young, old and in between, personally and communally, into transformed and transformational
lives together.
As people in our communities are often third or fourth generations from church experience, I believe it is important to take Jesus’ message out into the community, to open our doors and to enter other doors. I love preaching, faith exploration, outreach and pastoral care and finding ways to connect with and serve the community.
I am passionate about connecting the world of scripture with the world in which we live and having scripture speak to our lives today. This passion stirs me to share the Good News in a variety of ways, from sermons to drama, monologues as a character from Scripture, and dialogues on particular issues.
I am excited about connecting the sacred and the arts. Sometimes that is through exploring God’s world through visual art, textile art, music, literature, movies, media and other creative expressions of the faith that is the core of our very being.
“We offer worship
As an outpouring of gratitude and awe
And a practice of opening ourselves
To God’s still, small voice of comfort,
To God’s rushing whirlwind of challenge.
Through word, music, art and sacrament,
In community and in solitude,
God changes our lives, our relationships and our world.
We sing with trust.”
(Song of Faith)
May we dance the song of the Spirit together.
Rev. Wendy Noble BA. M Div.