This is a shortened version of our in-person Sunday Service. We also offer this service on Zoom, for access please call our office at 519-432-8075 and leave a message. Laura will endeavor to reply as soon as possible.
Acknowledging the Territory
Holy One, we pause at the beginning of this gathering to praise and acknowledge You as our Creator. We are grateful for the earth you have created that nourishes us. We are grateful for the responsibility you have given us to tend and care for creation.
We acknowledge we are related to the earth and all its many creatures with inseparable lines of connection. We acknowledge we are gathering today on the traditional territory of Indigenous peoples. We affirm that settler and newcomer peoples have specific responsibilities in the journey of reconciliation with our Indigenous hosts.
The place we gather today is on the traditional territories of the Anishinaabe (the Ojibwe or Chippewa Nation), the Haudenosaunee (the Iroquois, and the Oneida Nation), the Lūnaapéewak (the Delaware People), the Attawandaron (the Neutral Nation or the Algonquin People) and the Wendat (the Huron People) who loved and cared for this land. We are grateful for the opportunity to live, work and worship here, as we witness the reconciling movement of the Spirit. We commit to engage in listening, learning and acting to live into right relations with Indigenous peoples and all of creation.
We pray for the Holy Spirit to breathe healing, justice, hope, and compassion into all our relations
We hear God’s Word; Isaiah 43: 1-7 & Luke 3: 15-17 & 21, 22 as read by Darlene Burnett
Rev Wendy Noble’s Message : Signs, Symbols and Awe
Prayers of the People, by Rev Wendy Noble
Do you wish to share a prayer ? Please call the church phone line at 519 432 8075 to leave your prayers. If there is no one in the office at that time- please leave your prayers on our voice mail.
We are not alone,
we live in God’s world.
We believe in God:
who has created and is creating,
who has come in Jesus,
the Word made flesh.
We still have a building and staff and are still running a community meal program on Tuesday evenings. We are thankful for your donation- see main page – click on Canada Helps link.